hipi protects you from handbag or purse snatch thefts

hipi protects you from handbag or purse snatch thefts

Chee Su-Lin talks about her experience with snatch thefts contributing to her creating the hipi sleek protective hip bag.

Like several of you, I now and then receive viral videos showing CCTV captures of shocking incidents. Besides the sensationalist aspect, it probably is good to know what can happen in the world around you.

Expected to provide regular content promoting the hipi sleek protective hip bag, I thought I would use the snatch theft videos to illustrate the potential perils of slinging around a handbag (thank you, victims, for sharing your experiences):

Of course, this mostly happens in places where motorbikes or mopeds are common modes of transport, such as in Malaysia (my home country and the location of the videos, sadly), as well as some cities in South America and southern Europe, according to Wikipedia. As you can see from the last video however, it’s even happened in the US. In this case, to a woman who left her purse on the driver’s seat while she removed a plastic bottle left on her windscreen.

I have in fact personally experienced snatch thefts three times in Malaysia. Twice, the thieves were on a motorbike, and once on foot. Throughout, I felt shock and loss from having my wallet, identity cards and phone taken from me. After that, I’d always looked for bags without visible or delicate straps. 

A bum bag or hip bag was ideal, but I found these difficult to carry off or match with most of my outfits. I wanted something secure but subtle, which led me to designing and producing the hipi.

This one happened in Orlando, Florida.

Of course, it’s sad that snatch thefts happen in the first place, that the “have nots” need to force themselves onto others, and that the “haves” need to keep their possessions to themselves.

Is it due to a wide wealth disparity or people who don’t have faith in the system? Even if people don’t take via petty theft, people who feel they are unfairly done by may revolt. 

Of course, this has not happened much in previous decades. The prevailing world order has kept revolutions at bay by releasing government-magicked funds into society or offering cheap goods by exploiting labour in poorer countries. Nevertheless, wealth gets funneled into stocks and property princes, while the masses often work long, hard hours and the government debt balloons.

Europe has straddled the tension between survival of the fittest and revolution of the masses with a welfare state and high taxes. But being forced to share by robbery or taxes are really both forms of compulsion. 

Sadly, snatches of handbags also happen in Australia.

So rather than being forced either way, perhaps a happier way lies in assuring ourselves that we have enough. Voluntarily giving away what we don’t need probably beats being forced to do so by robbery, revolution or taxes.

Of course, our identity cards and mobile phones are highly inconvenient to lose and are really not so valuable to others. The hipi can help you keep these things close. At the same time, we can hopefully keep our hearts open to share what’s truly valuable–not least our compassion–with those who feel they need it. 

The hipi is available for 28€ / £26 / USD$35 from www.hipi.fit.

The hipi would also keep your habdbag from being very visible in close quarters, such as in a lift.

Rather than have your bag pinched when you are distracted in a busy restaurant (such as this one here in South Africa), you may keep your valuables close on a hipi.

Another elevator incident, this time in the UK