You gotta move it, move it


Being hands-free is always a good idea, but it is pretty crucial if you need to be active. Be it staying connected while on a walk, or taking a call in the midst of bicycling, or getting your boogie on at a club, rave or festival, hipi will allow you to move, jump and shout while keeping your essentials at hand.

In fact, if you like dancing, you might already be a hip or waist pack convert. After all, there’s nothing like a shoulder bag or wristlet to damp your rhythm! And compared to other fanny packs or bum bags, the hipi is sleek and subtle, and will blend into most of your outfits. 

Even if you weren’t doing anything particularly physical, you probably don’t need a huge wallet or pocketbook to bring around with you everywhere. As we move towards a cashless society, all we often require is our phones, one or two credit or debit cards and maybe a bit of cash on standby, all of which fit neatly into the hipi.


Please take care of my stuff!

Gone clubbing with your handbag or purse, then realised you can’t quite hit the dance floor without leaving it at the table or seats? A friend would then have to stay behind to watch over the things, which doesn’t seem quite fair. Then again, everyone coming along and piling the handbags or purses in the middle of the dance floor isn’t so fun either, is it?

With the hipi, you have your phone, keys and cards safe on you all the time so you can relax and partay! You can even take a couple of selfies on the dance floor!



look Ma, no hands!

The hipi makes sure you don’t have to dig within your basket or backpack when you get a call, much less hold your phone with your teeth! 


Connected on the move

Of course, fanny packs or bum bags are useful to keep your hands free and your phone and essentials close, for all sorts of activities. The hipi can take you from walking the dog and riding the bike to shopping, taking the kids to school and back home, without ever having to change your bags according to what you wear. It is an athleisure or sportswear accessory which also fits easily into regular casual daywear. 


The hipi was first created after its designer Chee Su-Lin wanted to keep her hands free after becoming a mother. 

Here are all the reasons mothers will appreciate it.


Besides helping mothers keep their hands free, the hipi also helps those who are concerned about losing their phone and valuables. This can easily happen because more and more of us are bringing our phone everywhere with us. Not only do we get calls, we use it to read the news on the bog, google search anything that takes our fancy, keep our grocery shopping list, sign into online banking, and yes, the occasional selfie. The problem is that when we bring our phone everywhere, we also end up leaving it everywhere.  

Not only does the hipi protect you from losing your phone, it also protects your phone from being dropped when you leave it on your lap, cracked when you place it in your back pocket, or from being snatched or pickpocketed when you are travelling.


The hipi is also great for those who are already fanny pack/bum bag converts but who are concerned about the microwaves emitting from their phone next to their body all the time. The hipi protects your body from these waves with its special silver-bamboo radiation shield. Read more about it here.




Even everyday work warriors will find that moving within the limited range of the office would benefit from always having your phone and valuables at hand, be it from chatting at a colleague’s desk to popping into the restroom and grabbing a quick lunch at the cafeteria. Even those heading out to a nearby restaurant would fancy traveling light, rather than bringing along the entire handbag or laptop bag. 

Indeed, how many times have you seen a woman juggling between a handbag or purse for her essentials, a laptop work bag as well as even a shopping tote for extras? The hipi is designed to carry your most important things, while the rest stay in a backpack to keep your hands free. 




Not everyone quite has the courage to strap on an 80s-style or bulbous fanny pack or bum bag, however. When not plastered over with neon colours or logos, hip and waist packs tend towards the sports and outdoors aesthetics. 

The hipi, however, is sleek and discreet. No external logos. And its single black colour keeps things simple to match with all outfits. Also its wide band imbues a slimming effect. Modest ladies may also appreciate how it may hide any potential camel toes and other parts of your nether-regions.